
An important diagnostic tool that provides significant information about your pet’s health.

From time to time your pet may be required to do some blood work. Blood tests are carried out in both healthy and sick pets. Blood testing is used mainly to detect and diagnose illnesses in your pet. If your pet is healthy, lab work can tell your veterinarian what is normal health for your pet and allows for comparison later if there are changes in the results. Our veterinarians recommend annual blood work to detect any signs of illnesses before they are advanced.

Why are blood tests important for my pet?

  1. To diagnose illnesses. There are some diseases and conditions that cannot be easily identified through physical examinations. Illnesses such as liver disease, diabetes and leukemia can be diagnosed through lab work.

  2. To establish baseline health. Baseline information is needed for pre-anaesthetic testing before surgery. This allows the veterinarian to determine a safe amount of anesthesia and suitable medications for your pet.

How can I prepare my pet for blood work?

It is best for pets to fast 6 hours before blood work. This allows for results that are more accurate. If your pet consumes food before blood testing, the sample may be fatty and your pet may need retesting.

How often should my pet have blood work done?

Our veterinarians will do blood tests when your pet is ill. We recommend that your pets, especially seniors, have blood work done annually for their wellness exams. Pets age much faster than humans and so a lot can change in a year. To schedule your pet’s blood work contact us at 204-452-0077.

How long does it take to get blood work results for my pet?

Our hospital has an in-house laboratory that allows us to provide results the same day the blood work is done. There are instances that require lab work to be assessed by specialty centres and may take no more than three working days.

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